Location & Route Advice
I want to share with you both WHERE you will be coming for your photo session and the best route to take to help with parking and traffic flow.
In-Home Photo Room & Plan
Address is: 9124 Candlewood Drive, Knoxville TN 37923
It looks like a normal house, because it is! We have a floorplan that allows a complete loop to be made in order to keep each part of the process separate: check-in, a private photo session with Santa, and then a straight path out the front.
When you arrive, come straight in through the front door and take a LEFT to check in with one of my helpers. You can wait in the check-in area (dining room), use the restroom located between the kitchen and Christmas room, and help yourself to water or snacks on the kitchen island. I will come get your family, when we are ready for your session. (Here is the room and decor for the 2024 season.)
Route & Parking
From Fox Lonas Road, take Gulfwood Road until you reach Candlewood Drive on the RIGHT. The house will be on your Right (last house on the right that faces Candlewood Drive). If possible, please park in front of our property, which extends into the large ditch just after the tree line. When you leave, continue staight, turn RIGHT onto Plainfield Road, which will take you back out to Fox Lonas Road.
Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback!